Love Yourself. Tips from Azurina Girls.

Stay At Home Tips from Soshna
Meet Soshna. Mom, Food Entrepreneur, and an "Azurina Girl". In this interview, Soshna let's us glimpse into her life in the current "stay at home" mode.

Self Care Tips from Ketaki Sood
Ketaki Sood shares home beauty and wellness hacks with us. Have a read!

Meet Menaka Seetharaman
Meet Menaka Seetharaman - a former HR specialist turned pyschotherapist and trained yogini. She's a real Azurina-girl! Dig in for few relaxation tips.

Dealing with Isolation and Quarantine
I've been in isolation for 10 days as I write this blog. Here are my tips on how to deal with it. Have a read and leave us a note with your tips too!